Main » 2011 » November » 24 » ONION - DANGEROUS DOG FOOD
6:19 PM

Sad dog regarding onions and garlic

Onions and garlic in all forms -- powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated -- can destroy a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia. That can happen even with the onion powder found in some baby food. An occasional small dose is probably OK. But just eating a large quantity once or eating smaller amounts regularly can cause poisoning. Symptoms of anemia include weakness, vomiting, little interest in food, dullness, and breathlessness.

The effect

  • Onions can cause a form of hemolytic anemia called Heinz body anemia, a condition that causes the destruction of red blood cells. Kidney damage may follow.

  • Toxicity may occur from similar foods such as garlic and chives.

  • It is not clear what quantity of onions is poisonous, but the effects can be cumulative. Poisoning can result from raw, cooked and dehydrated forms. Avoid feeding table scraps and any foods cooked with onions (including some baby foods). Check your ingredients!

  • Signs are secondary to anemia, such as pale gums, rapid heart rate, weakness and lethargy. Other signs include vomiting, diarrhea, and bloody urine.

  • Treatment: blood transfusions and/or oxygen administration may be necessary, followed by specific fluid therapy.

Category: Dangerous Food | Views: 1396 | Added by: Meli | Rating: 4.0/1
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